To clone wakarimasu (a public repo)
git clone
To clone gala (a public repo)
git clone
To initialise a Git repo in current directory
git init
To see the current status
git status -s
To add some files, including modified ones that have been added before
git add file1 ... fileN
git add . ... adds all files in this folder
To see differences
git diff
git diff --stat
To set credentials for a commit
git config --global 'AJC'
git config --global ''
git config --global
To commit the changes, adding -a to do the add as well
git commit -m "more lines in HTML"
git commit -am "more lines in HTML"
To see the details of the GitHub repo
git remote ... blank
git remote -v ... blank
git remote add github
git remote ... now lists github
git remote remove github ... to remove that name
It may not be possible to create new GitHub repos from the command-line without using the website
is a mixture of website and command line
To push up to the GitHub repo (as long as the repo already exists)
git push github master ... will ask for credentials